Landon Smoak
MGSF Annual Grocery Cart Race
The Youth Leadership Highlands of the Mason G. Smoak Foundation’s annual Grocery Cart Race was a fantastic experience. We were given...

Jacey Pella
Waking up at 4:45 AM
Waking up at 4:45 to drive an hour to be with my best friends is something I’ll never forget. I was tired and grumpy - no doubt. But...

Cash Smoak
Grocery Experience
The grocery race was a great experience because it taught us how to work together as a team to get things done. It was great seeing...

Cali Zimmerman
Grocery Race
This Sunday, myself and the other YLH members had the opportunity to participate in a grocery race.Prior to the race, we all had to find...

Nicole Blount
Government and Education Day 2019
The government and education day was a lot of fun! We started the day off at the courthouse, listening to various speakers who had a lot...

Mariana Chams
Jail Food... What A Day!
Government day really stood out to me out of all of our outings. Over the course of this day, I saw our county’s government at a...

Kinsloe Barben
Stay Out of Trouble!
Government and Education day definitely gave us all a reason first hand to stay out of trouble. We started the day off at the Sebring...