Valuable Lessons In Highlands County
During Social Services Day, our second day out, in the Youth Leadership Highlands of the Mason G. Smoak Foundation I learned some very valuable lessons. As I traveled through the county I realized that there was a much greater need than I thought. I loved helping the homeless and becoming more aware of our eating habits. I was joyful to see how God was working through our community to help those in need. While driving back to go home, I reflected on our day and decided one thing; that I could not just go home and go back to my normal daily tasks. I love and live to help and serve people and the Social Services Day really gave me ideas on how I could do that. I pursued that day, and am continuing to do so, research that is applicable to my community and myself. I am now striving to help in every way I can. Thank you Mrs. Amy and Mrs. Tracee for showing us all these wonderful things.